Code of Federal Regulations - Requirements for States and LTC Facilities |
Link to the Electronic Code of Federal Regulations, Title 42: Public Health, PART 483—REQUIREMENTS FOR STATES AND LONG TERM CARE FACILITIES, Subpart B—Requirements for Long Term Care Facilities.
Regulations and Mandates |
Communication Strategies for Emergency Situations |
This guide, drafted for Skilled Nursing and Post-Acute Care Centers, Assisted Living Communities, and Centers for Individuals with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities, outlines a clear communications plan. It consists of policies, procedures, and an incident command structure, as a primary tool management may use to ensure employees follow protocols during an emergency. It also includes a Media Outreach plan, an essential part of the Communications plan. |
Policy |
Communication with Vulnerable Populations: A Transportation and Emergency Management Toolkit |
This toolkit describes how to create a communication process to reach vulnerable populations regarding their transportation options in emergencies. This toolkit provides a guiding framework and tools for constructing a scalable, adaptable communication process built on a network of agencies from public, private, and nonprofit sectors.
Vulnerable Populations |
Community Residential Care Facility - Emergency Operation Plan Checklists for Plan Components |
This checklist was developed by the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control and the University of South Carolina's Arnold School of Public Health to assist facilities to review the components of their emergency operations plans.
Checklist, Sample Templates & Toolkits |
Comprehensive Care for Vulnerable Elderly Veterans During Disasters |
This study examines the experiences of evacuations and sheltering of Veterans Health Administration (VHA) nursing homes (VANHs) during Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. Interviews were conducted with nursing home staff and representatives, which revealed that physical harm, psychological distress, cognitive decline, and increased social isolation were areas that deserved special attention for this vulnerable population. |
Research |
Continuity of Operations Plan Template for Long Term Care Facilities |
This template, written for long term care facilities by the California Association of Health Facilities, is designed to assist providers in developing an effective continuity of operations (COOP) plan for emergency scenarios that result in an interruption in services and/or operations. Long term care residents are very vulnerable and rely upon providers to be adequately prepared to safely care for them during emergency events. With appropriate emergency planning, facilities will be able to minimize the loss of life, property and revenue and ensure that essential functions are continued during and after an emergency. A COOP will guide facilities through actions needed to achieve a timely resumption of their normal operations. This COOP template is intended to be used in addition to your Emergency Operations Plan (also known as a Disaster Response or Preparedness Plan) or EOP. |
Checklist, Sample Templates & Toolkits |
Continuity of Operations Planning for Healthcare Organizations - Training PowerPoint |
This is a PowerPoint presentation used in COOP training conducted by the Northeast Florida Healthcare Coalition on February 24, 2015, "Continuity of Operations Planning for Healthcare Organizations." |
Training Resources |
Cybersecurity for Healthcare Facilities |
This resource is a link to the Cybersecurity Topics Collection in the Technical Resources Assistance Center and Information Exchange (TRACIE). Recent cyber attacks on healthcare facilities have had significant effects on every aspect of patient care and organizational continuity. They highlight the need for healthcare organizations of all sizes and types to implement cybersecurity best practices and conduct robust planning and exercising for cyber incident response and consequence management. |
Hazard Vulnerability Assessment, Incident Response, Recommendations & Guidance, Reports & Articles, Training Resources |
Digital lessons learned from Hurricane Sandy (DHS) |
This document provides an overview on how social media was used in preparation for, in response to, and in recovery from Hurricane Sandy (“Sandy”) in late October 2012. |
Reports & Articles |
Disaster Acronyms and Glossary |
Disaster Acronyms and Glossary
Checklist |
Disaster Preparedness Program Resources - California Association of Health Facilities |
This is a link to the website of the California Association of Health Facilities Disaster Preparedness Program, established in September 2006, with the help of the California Department of Public Health Services (CDPH) and with funding through the Federal Hospital Preparedness Program (HPP). The CAHF-DPP website provides information and tools to assist long-term care facilities determine effective and efficient ways for disaster planning and integration into their Emergency Management Program, where appropriate. The site offers updated information and tools compliant with the CMS Emergency Preparedness Rule (implementation date Nov 15, 2017).
Checklist, Evacuation Planning, Hazard Vulnerability Assessment, Influenza, Preparedness Exercise, Recommendations & Guidance, Sample Templates & Toolkits, Training Resources |
Disaster Program Resources from the California Association of Health Facilities |
This website is dedicated to disaster preparedness for LTC facilities in California. Many of the resources are universal and applicable to any locale.
Recommendations & Guidance |
Emergency Management Planning Criteria for Nursing Home Facilities (Florida) |
Emergency Management Planning Criteria for Nursing Home Facilities, set by the Florida Agency for Health Care Administration in 1994. |
Regulations and Mandates |
Emergency Operations Plan Elements Defined for LTC |
This original FHCA publication addresses the Basic Emergency Operations Plan elements. It modifies the definitions of FEMA’s Comprehensive Preparedness Guide 101, placing the meaning into the context of the nursing home operational environment to help providers build an EOP that is recognizable across emergency management offices and first responders.
Sample Templates & Toolkits |
Emergency Operations Program and Plan Manual - California Association of Health Facilities |
This Emergency Operations Program and Plan (EOP) Template for Skilled Nursing Facilities is provided by the California Association of Health Facilities (CAHF). It was initially developed in 2015 and was revised in 2017 with funding from the California Dept. of Public Health Emergency Operations Program (Grant #15-10756) to incorporate new federal emergency preparedness regulations for Medicare/Medicaid certified providers released in 2016. It is offered as a base template from which a skilled nursing facility (SNF) can build a comprehensive EOP, and incorporates various positive practices in addition to regulatory requirements. Other facility types such as Intermediate Care Facilities for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities, may find this template useful with some additional customization to reflect their unique populations, operations, and regulatory differences. |
Checklist, Evacuation Planning, Hazard Vulnerability Assessment, Sample Templates & Toolkits |