Post-Storm Recovery Planning Considerations |
The Post-Storm Recovery Planning Considerations document was prepared by the FHCA Emergency Preparedness Council using the FHCA Emergency Management Guide for Nursing Homes (2008) and the Minnesota LTC Preparedness Toolkit (2013). The purpose of the document is to provide information to assist centers to develop post-storm recovery checklists and procedures.
Disaster Recovery |
5 Tips to Keep Emergency Generators Performing in LTC Facilities |
This article lists provides tips to for helping to ensure top performance of generators.
Planning and Response |
After the Flood: Mold-Specific Resources |
Compiled in August 2016 by T.R.A.C.I.E., this document provides links to helpful fact sheets, checklists, guidance documents and other educational resources related to mold. |
Disaster Recovery |
Checklist for Infection Control Concerns when Reopening Healthcare Facilities Closed due to Extensive Water and Wind Damage |
Checklist for Infection Control Concerns when Reopening Healthcare Facilities Closed due to Extensive Water & Wind Damage
Disaster Recovery |
CMS Emergency Preparedness for Healthcare Providers - Resources & Links |
To assist providers and suppliers in meeting the requirements of the new CMS Emergency Preparedness Rule, CMS has developed a website that contains various resources such as checklists, links to emergency preparedness agencies, planning templates and many other valuable resources. In addition, the website also provides a State-by-State listing of Health Care Coalitions which are available to States to connect with knowledgeable health care emergency preparedness officials. |
Planning and Response |
CMS Survey and Certification Emergency Preparedness Initiative: Emergency Preparedness Checklist Revision |
This CMS recommended tool, originally developed in 2007 and updated in 2009, was revised in December 2013 and was accompanied by Survey & Certification Letter 14-12-ALL, issued February 28, 2014. This is a link to the Survey & Certification Letter and the Revised Checklist. |
Planning and Response |
Community Residential Care Facility - Emergency Operation Plan Checklists for Plan Components |
This checklist was developed by the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control and the University of South Carolina's Arnold School of Public Health to assist facilities to review the components of their emergency operations plans.
Planning and Response |
Continuity of Operations Plan Template for Long Term Care Facilities |
This template, written for long term care facilities by the California Association of Health Facilities, is designed to assist providers in developing an effective continuity of operations (COOP) plan for emergency scenarios that result in an interruption in services and/or operations. Long term care residents are very vulnerable and rely upon providers to be adequately prepared to safely care for them during emergency events. With appropriate emergency planning, facilities will be able to minimize the loss of life, property and revenue and ensure that essential functions are continued during and after an emergency. A COOP will guide facilities through actions needed to achieve a timely resumption of their normal operations. This COOP template is intended to be used in addition to your Emergency Operations Plan (also known as a Disaster Response or Preparedness Plan) or EOP. |
Planning and Response |
Disaster Acronyms and Glossary |
Disaster Acronyms and Glossary
Planning and Response |
Disaster Preparedness Program Resources - California Association of Health Facilities |
This is a link to the website of the California Association of Health Facilities Disaster Preparedness Program, established in September 2006, with the help of the California Department of Public Health Services (CDPH) and with funding through the Federal Hospital Preparedness Program (HPP). The CAHF-DPP website provides information and tools to assist long-term care facilities determine effective and efficient ways for disaster planning and integration into their Emergency Management Program, where appropriate. The site offers updated information and tools compliant with the CMS Emergency Preparedness Rule (implementation date Nov 15, 2017).
Planning and Response |
Emergency Operations Program and Plan Manual - California Association of Health Facilities |
This Emergency Operations Program and Plan (EOP) Template for Skilled Nursing Facilities is provided by the California Association of Health Facilities (CAHF). It was initially developed in 2015 and was revised in 2017 with funding from the California Dept. of Public Health Emergency Operations Program (Grant #15-10756) to incorporate new federal emergency preparedness regulations for Medicare/Medicaid certified providers released in 2016. It is offered as a base template from which a skilled nursing facility (SNF) can build a comprehensive EOP, and incorporates various positive practices in addition to regulatory requirements. Other facility types such as Intermediate Care Facilities for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities, may find this template useful with some additional customization to reflect their unique populations, operations, and regulatory differences. |
Planning and Response |
Emergency Preparedness Checklist for Nursing Homes, Assisted Living Facilities and Group Homes |
This tool was developed by the Montgomery County Advanced Practice Center for Public Health Emergency Preparedness and Response. The checklist is designed to help ensure that health care facilities are not only well prepared but also able to shelter-in-place and remain self-sufficient during a variety of emergencies. The author states that the checklist has proven to be a useful tool in emergency preparedness training, planning, and assessment; annual quality-of-care surveys; follow-up inquiries and consultation; and efforts to contact facility administrators during actual emergencies. Although licensing and quality standards vary by jurisdiction, public health professionals and local, state, and federal regulators can view the checklist as a template that is readily adaptable to their needs and uses. [Citation: Montgomery County, Maryland. Advanced Practice Center for Public Health Emergency Preparedness and Response, “Emergency Preparedness Checklist,” June 2005.] |
Planning and Response |
Emergency Preparedness Planning for Nursing Homes and Residential Care Settings in Vermont |
This manual was developed for nursing homes, assisted living residences, residential care homes and therapeutic community care homes in Vermont. The manual is organized into three sections. Section I provides an introduction to basic emergency management concepts. Section II helps users take a “bird's eye view” of their facility, setting the context for developing an emergency preparedness plan tailored to a specific facility's needs. Section III contains five planning modules that focus on priority aspects of emergency preparedness, including establishing a chain of command, setting up redundant communications systems, planning for staffing shortages, planning to shelter in place and planning for evacuation. The manual includes worksheets and checklists to help identify gaps and strengthen plans. |
Planning and Response |
FHCA Emergency Management Guide for Nursing Homes (2008) |
The EM Guide for Nursing Homes was developed in 2008 through a grant funded by the John A. Hartford Foundation to the Florida Health Care Association. Development of the Guide was done in partnership with the Florida Department of Health Bureau of Preparedness and Response. The 265-page guide includes five sections, including the basic emergency operations plan elements, sample appendices, explanation of hazard types, incident command, and training. |
Training and Exercise |
Guidelines for Preventing Workplace Violence for Healthcare & Social Workers |
This publication updates OSHA’s 1996 and 2004 voluntary guidelines for preventing workplace violence for healthcare and social service workers. OSHA’s violence prevention guidelines are based on industry best practices and feedback from stakeholders, and provide recommendations for developing policies and procedures to eliminate or reduce workplace violence in a range of healthcare and social service settings. These guidelines reflect the variations that exist in different settings and incorporate the latest and most effective ways to reduce the risk of violence in the workplace. Workplace setting determines not only the types of hazards that exist, but also the measures that will be available and appropriate to reduce or eliminate workplace violence hazards |
Planning and Response |