2011 OSHA website for workers and employers about how to reduce the spread of flu in the workplace |
2011 OSHA's updated website for workers & employers about how to reduce the spread of flu in the workplace
Planning and Response |
CDC Guidance: 2015-16 Flu Season |
CDC Information on the 2015-16 flu season.
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CDC Interim Guidance for Influenza Outbreak Management in Long-Term Care Facilities |
This is a link to the CDC's page on influenza, specifically the CDC Interim Guidance for Influenza Outbreak Management in Long-Term Care Facilities.
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CDC Respiratory Safe Practices Poster (pdf) |
CDC Respiratory Safe Practices Poster (pdf)
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Clean Hands Help Prevent the Flu (Podcast and Transcript) |
Clean Hands Help Prevent the Flu (Podcast & Transcript)
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Disaster Preparedness Program Resources - California Association of Health Facilities |
This is a link to the website of the California Association of Health Facilities Disaster Preparedness Program, established in September 2006, with the help of the California Department of Public Health Services (CDPH) and with funding through the Federal Hospital Preparedness Program (HPP). The CAHF-DPP website provides information and tools to assist long-term care facilities determine effective and efficient ways for disaster planning and integration into their Emergency Management Program, where appropriate. The site offers updated information and tools compliant with the CMS Emergency Preparedness Rule (implementation date Nov 15, 2017).
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General Procedures for Properly Putting On and Taking Off a Disposable Respirator (pdf) |
General Procedures for Properly Putting On and Taking Off a Disposable Respirator (pdf)
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Healthcare Workplaces Classified as Very High or High Exposure Risk for Pandemic Influenza |
OSHA Fact Sheet: Healthcare Workplaces Classified as Very High or High Exposure Risk for Pandemic Influenza
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Long Term Care and Other Residential Facilities: Pandemic Influenza Planning Checklist |
This CDC checklist helps long-term care and other residential facilities self-assess the strengths and weaknesses of their plans for responding to pandemic influenza. This tool also provides links to websites with helpful information.
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Respiratory Hygiene/Cough Etiquette in Healthcare Settings |
Respiratory Hygiene/Cough Etiquette in Healthcare Settings |
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Sample Policy for Emergent Infectious Diseases for Skilled Nursing Care Centers |
To provide guidance to long term and post-acute care providers on how to prepare for infectious diseases that have the potential to pose a significant public health threat to the residents, families and staff of the skilled nursing care center.
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