Healthcare and Public Health Cybersecurity Primer: Cybersecurity 101 |
This resource was developed by the Healthcare and Public Health (HPH) Sector Cybersecurity Working Group (CSWG). The Healthcare and Public Health Cybersecurity Primer is a tool intended for use by sector members, owners and operators, as well as Federal, State and local partners who may not be cyber experts, but wish to improve the sector’s level of understanding of cybersecurity.
Planning and Response |
Helping Nursing Homes Prepare for Disasters |
This article published in the journal Health Affairs, describes the findings and outcomes of the John A. Hartford Foundation funded initiative called Hurricane and Disaster Preparedness for Long Term Care Facilities. The project was awarded to the Florida Health Care Association. The authors of this paper describe the planning, research, and dissemination efforts of the Hartford grantees. This paper also provides insights into successful disaster grant making, noting foundations’ unique flexibility, strategic and long-term view, and ability to be a neutral convener of stakeholders that can help grantees work toward achieving major policy change.
Planning and Response |
Incorporating Active Shooter Incident Planning into Health Care Facility Emergency Operations Plans |
Health care settings represent a very unique set of challenges for active shooter planning and workplace violence. This document is primarily designed to encourage health care facilities (HCFs) to consider how to better prepare for an active shooter incident. Though hospitals and many other HCFs have emergency operations plans (EOPs), this document provides emergency planners, disaster committees, executive leadership, and others involved in emergency operations planning with detailed discussions of unique issues faced in an HCF. This document also includes discussions on related topics, including information sharing, psychological first aid (PFA), and law enforcement/security. |
Planning and Response |
Newsletters on Emergency Preparedness from TRACIE |
The U.S. Department of Health & Human Services offers a comprehensive national knowledge center about emergency preparedness for health care, public health, and disaster clinical practitioners. You can sign up to receive monthly "Express" and quarterly "Exchange" newsletters from the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR) Technical Resources, Assistance Center, and Information Exchange (TRACIE) that highlight new and trending emergency preparedness resources. |
Staying Connected |
Nursing Homes in Public Health Emergencies special needs and potential roles |
The potential role and question of preparedness on the part of nursing homes has emerged in local and national preparedness discussions. This report presents the findings of a series of focus groups conducted with nursing home staff in five States -- North Carolina, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Washington, and Utah -- and Southern California. The purpose of the focus groups was to gauge the level of disaster preparedness and assess the special needs and potential role of nursing homes in the event of bioterrorism or other public health emergencies.
Planning and Response |
OIG Report (2006) Nursing Home Emergency Preparedness and Response During Recent Hurricanes |
Nursing Home Emergency Preparedness and Response During Recent Hurricanes
Planning and Response |
Planning for Water Supply Interruptions: A Guide for Hospitals and Healthcare Facilities |
This information sheet highlights some of the impacts of a water interruption and poses questions to ask to help prepare for an interruption. Additionally, it provides some information on existing resources that can help to develop and implement a preparedness strategy.
Planning and Response |
Protecting the Air We Breathe - A Deeper Look at Legionnaires’ Disease |
CDC investigations of Legionnaires’ disease outbreaks show that the most common places for getting the disease are hotels, long-term care facilities, and hospitals. The most likely sources for spreading water droplets contaminated with Legionella germs are showers and faucets, cooling towers that are part of large, centralized air conditioning systems, hot tubs, and decorative fountains and water features. |
Planning and Response |
Resource Guide for Disaster Medicine and Public Health |
The Resource Guide for Disaster Medicine and Public Health is a database of links to disaster medicine and public health documents available on the Internet at no cost. Documents include expert guidelines, research reports, conference proceedings, training classes, fact sheets, websites, databases, and similar materials selected from over 700 organizations for a professional audience. Materials selected are from non-commercial publishing sources and supplement disaster-related resources from PubMed (biomedical journal literature) and MedlinePlus (health information for the public). |
Planning and Response |
The Joplin Tornado - A Long Term Care Perspective |
This is a handout from a presentation given by Jon Dolan with the Missouri Health Care Association at the University of Nebraska Medical College 2011 Conference, "Public Health and Medical Disaster Response in Action: The Joplin Story". The handout highlights the impact to long term care facilities, strategies employed and lessons learned. |
Planning and Response |
Tips for Retainng & Caring Staff After a Disaster |
When disasters strike, the ripple effects are significant. Survivors may be injured or displaced, or may have loved ones in similar situations. Healthcare providers and staff who maintain facility operations are no exception, and yet they are a critical component of the response phase and expected to care not only for their own loved ones, but community members and the facility, too. Leadership plays a vital role in ensuring staff feel cared for and safe. ASPR TRACIE has developed Tips for Retaining and Caring for Staff after a Disaster to provide general promising practices—categorized by immediate and short-term needs—for facility executives to consider when trying to retain and care for staff after a disaster. |
Planning and Response |
Topic Collection: Workplace Violence (healthcare settings) |
The resources in this Topic Collection on the T.R.A.C.I.E website highlight some of the most current information and guidance that can assist emergency managers tasked with developing and maintaining workplace violence prevention programs and other guidelines to ensure the resiliency of their facilities. There is a specific category for Healthcare Settings. |
Planning and Response |
TRACIE (Technical Resources, Assistance Center, and Information Exchange) |
TRACIE is the acronym for the Technical Resources, Assistance Center, and Information Exchange, a website established June 2015 by the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HSS), Office of the Assistant Secretary of Preparedness and Response (ASPR). TRACIE was created to meet the information and technical assistance needs of regional ASPR staff, healthcare coalitions, healthcare entities, healthcare providers, emergency managers, public health practitioners, and others working in disaster medicine, healthcare system preparedness, and public health emergency preparedness. TRACIE includes resources and information for all public health preparedness partners. |
Planning and Response |