Incorporating Active Shooter Incident Planning into Health Care Facility Emergency Operations Plans |
Health care settings represent a very unique set of challenges for active shooter planning and workplace violence. This document is primarily designed to encourage health care facilities (HCFs) to consider how to better prepare for an active shooter incident. Though hospitals and many other HCFs have emergency operations plans (EOPs), this document provides emergency planners, disaster committees, executive leadership, and others involved in emergency operations planning with detailed discussions of unique issues faced in an HCF. This document also includes discussions on related topics, including information sharing, psychological first aid (PFA), and law enforcement/security. |
Planning and Response |
Incident Response Guide - Utility Failure |
This tool, Incident Response Guide - Utility Failure, is available on the California Association of Healthcare Facilities Emergency Preparedness Program website. |
Planning and Response |
Incident Planning Guide: Utility Failure |
Developed by the California Emergency Medical Services Authority for hospitals, this Incident Planning Guide for Utility Failures is a useful tool for nursing homes as well as hospitals. The Guide is intended to address issues associated with a utility failure in hospital systems such as power, water, heating, ventilation, air conditioning, medical air, vacuum, or medical gases. Hospitals may customize this Incident Planning Guide for their specific requirements. |
Disaster Recovery |
Healthcare COOP and Recovery Planning |
This document describes the concepts, principles, templates and resources available to assist non-federal healthcare entities to align their planning methodologies with current federal continuity and recovery framework guidelines. Healthcare organizations can copy and paste needed planning information captured from this document into their own proprietary Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP) or Recovery plan. This document can be used as a research tool for collaborative planning efforts with other preparedness partners. This document is a collection of resources, ideas, templates and references and hyperlinks to additional information relating to Healthcare Continuity of Operations (COOP) and Healthcare Disaster Recovery. It may be used to develop plans, checklists, concepts of operations and other documents and tools related to Healthcare COOP and Recovery planning. |
Planning and Response |
Health Care Provider After Action Report Improvement Plan |
This resource is an After Action Report Improvement Plan template and instructions, provided by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid. It is intended to be a user-friendly tool for healthcare providers to document their performance during emergency planning exercises and real emergency events. It is modeled after the US Department of Homeland Security's HSEEP program (Homeland Security Exercise & Evaluation Program), Vol. III AAR/IP, February 2007. For more resources on evaluating exercises, visit the TRACIE website and search in the Topic Collection for EVALUATION PROGRAM for additional resources on this topic. |
Training and Exercise |
Florida Environmental Control Rules (Emergency Power Rules) for Nursing Homes and Assisted Living Facilities |
Information and resources regarding the Florida Emergency Environmental Control rule for Nursing Homes and Assisted Living Facilities. Included: links to each rule (59A-4.1265 - for Nursing Homes, and 58A-5.036 for Assisted Living Facilities). |
Planning and Response |
Florida Environmental Control Rules (Emergency Power Rules) for Nursing Homes and Assisted Living Facilities |
Information and resources regarding the Florida Emergency Environmental Control rule for Nursing Homes and Assisted Living Facilities. Included: links to each rule (59A-4.1265 - for Nursing Homes, and 58A-5.036 for Assisted Living Facilities); sample Emergency Power Plan formats; other sample tools. |
Planning and Response |
FHCA Emergency Management Guide for Nursing Homes (2008) |
The EM Guide for Nursing Homes was developed in 2008 through a grant funded by the John A. Hartford Foundation to the Florida Health Care Association. Development of the Guide was done in partnership with the Florida Department of Health Bureau of Preparedness and Response. The 265-page guide includes five sections, including the basic emergency operations plan elements, sample appendices, explanation of hazard types, incident command, and training. |
Training and Exercise |
Facility to Facility Memorandum of Understanding: Outline of Key Elements |
This document provides an outline to guide nursing home and assisted living facility providers in establishing Memorandums of Understanding with other providers in the event of resident transfer during a local or widespread emergency. |
Planning and Response |
Evacuation Plan Development Tool Kit - Colorado |
This website of the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment provides several downloadable tools for providers. Included is an Evacuation Decision Tree and a tool for rating residents’ evacuation capabilities. |
Planning and Response |
Emergency Preparedness Planning for Nursing Homes and Residential Care Settings in Vermont |
This manual was developed for nursing homes, assisted living residences, residential care homes and therapeutic community care homes in Vermont. The manual is organized into three sections. Section I provides an introduction to basic emergency management concepts. Section II helps users take a “bird's eye view” of their facility, setting the context for developing an emergency preparedness plan tailored to a specific facility's needs. Section III contains five planning modules that focus on priority aspects of emergency preparedness, including establishing a chain of command, setting up redundant communications systems, planning for staffing shortages, planning to shelter in place and planning for evacuation. The manual includes worksheets and checklists to help identify gaps and strengthen plans. |
Planning and Response |
Emergency Preparedness Guide for Assisted Living Communities |
Developed in collaboration with the National Center for Assisted Living, this guide is based on FEMA's Comprehensive Preparedness Guide 101 (CPG 101). This resource supports assisted living facilities to build emergency operations plans that local emergency management offices will immediately recognize. The guide includes a template using the traditional FEMA functional emergency plan format and demonstrations on how to complete various sections. This resource is available to FHCA members, or to members of the American Health Care Association/NCAL. Key Words: Emergency Preparedness Guide, Assisted Living Communities, Assisted Living Facilities, CPG 101, Emergency Operations Plan Template |
Planning and Response |
Emergency Operations Program and Plan Manual - California Association of Health Facilities |
This Emergency Operations Program and Plan (EOP) Template for Skilled Nursing Facilities is provided by the California Association of Health Facilities (CAHF). It was initially developed in 2015 and was revised in 2017 with funding from the California Dept. of Public Health Emergency Operations Program (Grant #15-10756) to incorporate new federal emergency preparedness regulations for Medicare/Medicaid certified providers released in 2016. It is offered as a base template from which a skilled nursing facility (SNF) can build a comprehensive EOP, and incorporates various positive practices in addition to regulatory requirements. Other facility types such as Intermediate Care Facilities for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities, may find this template useful with some additional customization to reflect their unique populations, operations, and regulatory differences. |
Planning and Response |
Emergency Operations Plan Elements Defined for LTC |
This original FHCA publication addresses the Basic Emergency Operations Plan elements. It modifies the definitions of FEMA’s Comprehensive Preparedness Guide 101, placing the meaning into the context of the nursing home operational environment to help providers build an EOP that is recognizable across emergency management offices and first responders.
Planning and Response |
Disaster Preparedness Program Resources - California Association of Health Facilities |
This is a link to the website of the California Association of Health Facilities Disaster Preparedness Program, established in September 2006, with the help of the California Department of Public Health Services (CDPH) and with funding through the Federal Hospital Preparedness Program (HPP). The CAHF-DPP website provides information and tools to assist long-term care facilities determine effective and efficient ways for disaster planning and integration into their Emergency Management Program, where appropriate. The site offers updated information and tools compliant with the CMS Emergency Preparedness Rule (implementation date Nov 15, 2017).
Planning and Response |