Weathering the Storm: A Hurricane Planning, Response and Recovery Toolkit |
Although designed for hospitals, LTC providers may also find this toolkit informative. Developed by the New Jersey Hospital Association, the Hurricane Planning, Response and Recovery Toolkit is designed to assist hospitals in preparing for, responding to and recovering from the potential consequences of a hurricane. The toolkit focuses on sheltering-in-place planning and planning for recovery. It enhances current hospital all-hazards disaster plans and is not to be used in lieu of existing plans, but rather as a primer for a facility preparing for the specific challenges presented by a hurricane.
Planning and Response |
TRACIE (Technical Resources, Assistance Center, and Information Exchange) |
TRACIE is the acronym for the Technical Resources, Assistance Center, and Information Exchange, a website established June 2015 by the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HSS), Office of the Assistant Secretary of Preparedness and Response (ASPR). TRACIE was created to meet the information and technical assistance needs of regional ASPR staff, healthcare coalitions, healthcare entities, healthcare providers, emergency managers, public health practitioners, and others working in disaster medicine, healthcare system preparedness, and public health emergency preparedness. TRACIE includes resources and information for all public health preparedness partners. |
Planning and Response |
Topic Collection: Workplace Violence (healthcare settings) |
The resources in this Topic Collection on the T.R.A.C.I.E website highlight some of the most current information and guidance that can assist emergency managers tasked with developing and maintaining workplace violence prevention programs and other guidelines to ensure the resiliency of their facilities. There is a specific category for Healthcare Settings. |
Planning and Response |
Safe Evacuation Tabletop Exercise for Long Term Care Facilities (California) |
This guidebook will help Long Term Care facilities (LTC) evaluate their preparedness for an evacuation. This guidebook contains all the materials necessary to conduct a simulated evacuation using a tabletop exercise. No actual patient movement is involved. |
Training and Exercise |
Resource Guide for Disaster Medicine and Public Health |
The Resource Guide for Disaster Medicine and Public Health is a database of links to disaster medicine and public health documents available on the Internet at no cost. Documents include expert guidelines, research reports, conference proceedings, training classes, fact sheets, websites, databases, and similar materials selected from over 700 organizations for a professional audience. Materials selected are from non-commercial publishing sources and supplement disaster-related resources from PubMed (biomedical journal literature) and MedlinePlus (health information for the public). |
Planning and Response |
Public Health Emergency Resources for Professionals |
This is a link to the Public Health Emergency Resources page for disaster health professionals and emergency managers. Those working in LTC will find many of the resources and links on this page valuable. Topics include Natural Disaster-Specific Resources; Medical Facilities and Shelters; Mental and Behavioral Health; Children and Families; Responder Health and Resilience; Communications; All-Hazards Resources; Technical Assistance Centers; Tools and Resources. |
Disaster Recovery |
PREPARE Disaster Plan Template and Guidelines |
This document was developed in 2008 by Mather LifeWays with funding from the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR). The document provides templates to assist long term care organizations plan and prepare to meet the needs of both residents and staff in the event of a disaster/emergency. The Disaster Plan is compliant with current (2008) federal guidelines for disaster planning (National Incident Management System). Included are templates for mutual aid agreements, and other examples. |
Planning and Response |
Planning Templates and Checklists |
This is a link to the California Association of Healthcare Facilities' Disaster Preparedness Program website, which provides extensive resources, guides, templates, exercises and materials related to long term care emergency preparedness. |
Planning and Response |
Pandemic Influenza Workbook for Long Term Care Providers |
This workbook provides guidance to long term providers on what actions to take to protect the health and safety of the staff and residents in their facilities in the event of a pandemic influenza outbreak. The document explains why long term care providers need to prepare for a pandemic, what they need to do to be prepared, and how they can go about making preparations.
Planning and Response |
Nursing Home and Assisted Living Hazard and Vulnerability Analysis Tool |
This Hazard Vulnerability Analysis (HVA) Tool is based on the Kaiser Permanente model, re-designed specifically for nursing homes and assisted living residences. The tool is a downloadable Excel Spreadsheet in which you record your information and it automatically calculates your HVA scores. The HVA provides a systematic approach to recognizing hazards that may affect demand for nursing home or assisted living residences or the center's ability to provide services. The risks associated with each hazard are analyzed to prioritize planning, mitigation, response and recovery activities, and serves as a needs assessment for the Emergency Management program. |
Planning and Response |
NHICS: Nursing Home Incident Command System |
This resource, updated in 2017 by the California Association of Healthcare Facilities, provides a guide and extensive supporting documents and tools associated with the Nursing Home Incident Command System (NHICS), which can be used by facilities regardless of size or resident care capabilities, to assist with emergency planning and response efforts for all hazards. |
Training and Exercise |
Minnesota Long Term Care Preparedness Toolkit |
Developed for LTC providers in Minnesota, this toolkit can be used by facility owners, administrators, and staff. Information includes: sample templates, forms and suggested resources to develop and/or enhance facility emergency preparedness plans within LTC throughout the state of Minnesota. It should not be viewed as a static document but one that provides a foundation for an All Hazards approach to preparedness, planning, and response activities. While the tool was developed for Minnesota providers, the information provided may serve as a general guide for use by readers in other states. |
Planning and Response |
Mass Fatality Planning - Managing Remains in Disasters |
This document is a sample policy/procedure available from the California Association of Health Facilities' Disaster Program. |
Planning and Response |
Long Term Care Facility Evacuation Resident Assessment Form for Transport and Destination |
This page on the California Association of Healthcare Facilities is dedicated to evacuation planning resources and tools. Included is an Incident Response Guide for Evacuation. |
Planning and Response |
Letter to Families/Reps to Inform of Emergency Plans (template) |
This resource from the California Association of Health Facilities provides a same one-page letter to families/representatives to advise of the facility's emergency plans. |
Planning and Response |