Severe Weather Awareness Guide |
Severe Weather Awareness Guide |
Information for Consumers |
Shelter in Place: Planning Resource Guide for Nursing Homes |
This guide provides examples, references, and comparisons to what a care center has already built into its existing Emergency Management Program.
Recommendations & Guidance |
The Effects of Evacuation on Nursing Home Residents with Dementia |
The authors of this report discuss their findings from research conducted on the effects of evacuation from Hurricane Gustav on residents with severe dementia.
Evacuation Planning, Research, Vulnerable Populations |
The Joplin Tornado - A Long Term Care Perspective |
This is a handout from a presentation given by Jon Dolan with the Missouri Health Care Association at the University of Nebraska Medical College 2011 Conference, "Public Health and Medical Disaster Response in Action: The Joplin Story". The handout highlights the impact to long term care facilities, strategies employed and lessons learned. |
Evacuation Planning, Incident Response, Recommendations & Guidance, Reports & Articles |
The Stafford Act - Federal |
Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, Public Law 93-288, as amended, 42 U.S.C. 5121-5207, and Related Authorities.
Regulations and Mandates |
Tips for Evacuating Vulnerable Populations |
Tips for Evacuating Vulnerable Populations |
Evacuation Planning |
Tips for Retainng & Caring Staff After a Disaster |
When disasters strike, the ripple effects are significant. Survivors may be injured or displaced, or may have loved ones in similar situations. Healthcare providers and staff who maintain facility operations are no exception, and yet they are a critical component of the response phase and expected to care not only for their own loved ones, but community members and the facility, too. Leadership plays a vital role in ensuring staff feel cared for and safe. ASPR TRACIE has developed Tips for Retaining and Caring for Staff after a Disaster to provide general promising practices—categorized by immediate and short-term needs—for facility executives to consider when trying to retain and care for staff after a disaster. |
Recommendations & Guidance, Reports & Articles |
Topic Collection: Workplace Violence (healthcare settings) |
The resources in this Topic Collection on the T.R.A.C.I.E website highlight some of the most current information and guidance that can assist emergency managers tasked with developing and maintaining workplace violence prevention programs and other guidelines to ensure the resiliency of their facilities. There is a specific category for Healthcare Settings. |
Hazard Vulnerability Assessment, Recommendations & Guidance, Reports & Articles, Research, Sample Templates & Toolkits, Training Resources |
TRACIE (Technical Resources, Assistance Center, and Information Exchange) |
TRACIE is the acronym for the Technical Resources, Assistance Center, and Information Exchange, a website established June 2015 by the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HSS), Office of the Assistant Secretary of Preparedness and Response (ASPR). TRACIE was created to meet the information and technical assistance needs of regional ASPR staff, healthcare coalitions, healthcare entities, healthcare providers, emergency managers, public health practitioners, and others working in disaster medicine, healthcare system preparedness, and public health emergency preparedness. TRACIE includes resources and information for all public health preparedness partners. |
Checklist, Hazard Vulnerability Assessment, Preparedness Exercise, Recommendations & Guidance, Reports & Articles, Sample Templates & Toolkits, Training Resources |
Twelve-Fatality Nursing Home Fire |
This technical report series looks at a nursing home fire in Norfolk, VA. Many patients restrained to beds with cotton cravats or connected to life support systems made evacuation by firefighters extremely difficult. |
Hazard Vulnerability Assessment |
U.S. Department of Homeland Security: Active Shooter - How to Respond |
This booklet from the Dept. of Homeland Security highlights and explains how to respond to an active shooter situation; an active shooter situation is one type of workplace violence. |
Recommendations & Guidance |
U.S. Dept. of Transportation: Guidance for the Safe Transportation of Medical Oxygen for Personal Use on Buses and Trains |
This guidance was developed in the aftermath of a bus accident during Hurricane Rita in 2005. The guidance explains current regulatory requirements applicable to the transportation of medical oxygen on buses and trains and includes recommendations for handling oxygen cylinders. |
Regulations and Mandates |
Use of Mental Health Services by Nursing Home Residents After Hurricanes |
The authors of this report discuss the findings of their study on the evaluation of pre- and post-hurricane mental health service use in Florida nursing homes. Results indicated that although most nursing homes provided some type of mental health service during normal operations, disaster-related mental health services were not routinely provided to residents. The authors also found that receiving facilities were more likely than evacuating facilities to provide treatment to evacuated residents.
Research |
Video: Cybersecurity and Healthcare Facilities |
Cybersecurity is a critical issue facing healthcare facilities. In this video webinar, a distinguished panel of experts describe lessons learned from recent experiences, planning considerations, and steps the federal government is taking to address cybersecurity and cyber hygiene. Length: 33 minutes. |
Hazard Vulnerability Assessment, Incident Response, Recommendations & Guidance, Training Resources |
Weathering the Storm: A Hurricane Planning, Response and Recovery Toolkit |
Although designed for hospitals, LTC providers may also find this toolkit informative. Developed by the New Jersey Hospital Association, the Hurricane Planning, Response and Recovery Toolkit is designed to assist hospitals in preparing for, responding to and recovering from the potential consequences of a hurricane. The toolkit focuses on sheltering-in-place planning and planning for recovery. It enhances current hospital all-hazards disaster plans and is not to be used in lieu of existing plans, but rather as a primer for a facility preparing for the specific challenges presented by a hurricane.
Sample Templates & Toolkits |