5 Tips to Keep Emergency Generators Performing in LTC Facilities |
This article lists provides tips to for helping to ensure top performance of generators.
Checklist, Power Outages |
2017 Disaster Preparedness Guide for Elders |
2017 Disaster Preparedness Guide for Elders (Florida Department of Elder Affairs).
Information for Consumers |
2011 OSHA website for workers and employers about how to reduce the spread of flu in the workplace |
2011 OSHA's updated website for workers & employers about how to reduce the spread of flu in the workplace
Influenza |
Providing Shelter to Nursing Home Evacuees in Disasters: Lessons from Hurricane Katrina |
The authors examined nursing home preparedness needs by studying the experiences of nursing homes that sheltered evacuees from Hurricane Katrina. Interviews were conducted with nursing home administrators that sheltered evacuees in four states. Findings: Nursing homes should develop and practice procedures to shelter and provide long-term access to mental health services following a disaster. Nursing homes should be integrated into community disaster planning and be classified in an emergency priority category similar to hospitals. |
Evacuation Planning, Incident Response, Research |