Which online system are Florida providers using -- FLHealthStat or ESS?

I heard Florida switched from FLHealthSTAT to ESS. If that's true, how do I get my center registered?

The Emergency Status System (ESS) is the Agency for Health Care Administration's online database for reporting provider emergency status, planning or operations information, as required in Florida Statute 408.821. Effective in September, ESS replaced FLHealthSTAT as the state’s online system. Florida providers were sent invitations via email to register in ESS. The invitation included a personalized link and registration instructions. Administrators who did not receive an email invitation to register in ESS should contact the Agency for assistance: Nursing Homes – call (850) 412-4303, or send an email to LTCStaff@ahca.myflorida.com; Assisted Living Centers – call (850) 412-4304, or send an email to assistedliving@ahca.myflorida.com.